

Studio Information:

Our studio, located in Penha de França, Lisbon, provides a creative hub for ceramic enthusiasts of all levels.

What We Offer:

  • Custom Ceramic Production: We specialize in crafting ceramic pieces made to order, along with bespoke projects tailored to your specific needs.

  • Weekly Handbuilding Technique Classes: Join us for weekly handbuilding technique classes held on Monday evenings (6pm to 8pm) and Tuesday mornings (11am to 1pm). These classes cater to all skill levels and can be attended on a monthly or occasional basis.

  • Residencies and Kiln Services: We offer residencies for individuals with prior ceramic experience, as well as kiln services to support your projects.

For more information, inquiries, or to register for our classes, please fill out the contact form, and we will promptly get back to you.